Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bad Sales Habits You Need to Give Up

After working with countless sales people in the last 17-plus years, I have noticed that many of them have bad habits that prevent them from improving their results.

1. Opening initial prospecting calls with "Hi how are you?"
This is a lame opening that does little to establish your credibility.

2.Spending too much time trying to establish rapport.
Your busy prospects have no interest in spending five minutes of their valuable time engaging in small talk at the beginning of a sales call.

3. Opening a sales call or presentations by talking about their company or their product.
Your prospects don't actually want to hear this type of information. What they really want to know if how you can help them solve a pressing business problem.

4. Talking about aspects of your company that have little or no relevance to your prospect or customer.
Many sales people-and their managers-feel compelled to discuss details about their company that simply bore their audience.

5. Chasing a lead that has little possibility of turning into a sale.
You only have a limited number of hours in a given day, week or month and spending them trying to close a deal when the other person lacks any buying interest or motivation is not the best use of your time.

Good sales habits are important if you want to succeed in sales. However, it is equally important to give up your bad habits.

Read about 3 additional bad sales habits here.

Have a productive and profitable week!

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