Monday, July 7, 2014

The secret to eliminating the "I'm just following up" call

"How do I get someone to respond to my calls or emails? I've sent him information but now I can't get in touch with him." 

The short don't.

You can't force anyone to reply to an email or return your call. However, if you set it up properly, you will never have to say, "I'm just following up."

The key is to establish a day and time for a subsequent conversation BEFORE you send your prospect any information. And, just as a FYI, if you're sending corporate brochures, you can disregard this post because this type of information seldom entices a prospect to make a buying decision.

Here's the approach I have used to reconnect with my prospects after an initial call or subsequent discovery meeting. Before I end the call or meeting, I say something like, "John, I will get that proposal to you by close of business on Wednesday. When is a good day and time to review it with you?"

If they tell me to call later in the week or early the following week I politely press for a specific day and time.

"Does Friday at 10:15 am work for you?"

In most situations, they say yes or give me an alternate time. Then, immediately after the call--and this is critical--I send them an Outlook invite which places me on their calendar.

I have consistently found that this approach practically eliminates the "I'm just following up" call because now they are expecting my call and we have a specific reason to talk.

Have a productive and profitable week!